The Civil and Coastal Engineering Office.
The firm founded by Eng. Elio Ciralli was born in 1987 and had its first HQ in Via Butera in Palermo. In those years, Eng. Elio Ciralli worked with general contractors for ancient buildings restoration and with a consortium engaged in the construction of the Laura dam on Mendola River, in territory of Caltanissetta, Sicily.
The firm worked with a certified management system, according to European standard UNI-EN ISO 9001-2015, certification issued by Istituto del Marchio di Qualità (IMQ).
Over the decades the Firm has grown in competence and it is now an important realty at national and international level. Its current headquarter is in Palermo, Italy.
Important projects saw the collaboration with Progetti e Opere srl, that acquired Envitek™, exploiting very good synergies.
Following this link you can download the CV of Mr Ciralli.
Technical Management
The Chief Technical Director is Dr. Eng. Elio Ciralli.
Elio Ciralli was born on 1961 and lives mainly in Palermo, Sicily, Italy. Doctor "cum laude" in civil hydraulic engineering, he is an expert in hydraulics and coastal engineering. Since 1988 he is a professional consultant. He was involved in several projects of civil infrastructures (buildings, transportation and hydraulic), in planning and design of commercial, fishing and recreational ports, mainly in the Mediterranean area. He is an expert in rehabilitation of waterfronts and is a renowed marina designer.
He has done several publications about coastal engineering matters and other themes.
Consultant nominated by Italian Prime Minister and by Sicilian Region President , called as an expert to partecipate to 2nd Section of Higher Council of Public Works, italian MInistry of Infrastructure, among others duties, he is active in PIANC, the World Association for Waterborne Infrastructure (
After other duties in PIANC, he was for 8 years Chairman of the International Recreational Navigation Commission. For this reason he was president of the Commission that assigns yearly the Marina Excellence Design "Jack Nichol" Award (MEDA). He was also the founder, director and he is trainer of the international courses organized for the Marina Designer Training Program (MDTP).
Elio Ciralli was for 12 years President of the Italian Marine and Off-Shore Engineering Association, A.I.O.M. (
Being Liutenant Officer of the Reserve of the Italian Navy Coast Guard, from the foundation he is member and Chief of the Technical Section of AGUARCOST.UCPI, the Italian Association of the Reserve Officers of the Costa Guard (
Mr. Ciralli is active in coordination and sustain projects for Countries in transition.